Wargaming Resources
We’ve put together some resources specifically for the wargaming community. Whether you want to paint your first mini or make a female space marine, we’ve got resources that can help.
Codes of Conduct
A code of conduct is a great way of making boundaries clear to everyone at your event or club. It protects your players and it protects you. We have a number of sample code of conducts, including our own which anyone is welcome to re-use.
Angels of Purification
Angels of Purification is a community-driven project to create a female space marine chapter. Led by Becky and Gav, this project has brought together over 80 volunteers to make an all-female space marine army that will be auctioned off for charity.
Angels of Purification Army Details
If you want to make an Angels of Purification Space Marine, we’ve got information on paint scheme, basing and sources for female heads. Anyone is welcome to re-use the scheme for their own miniature projects.
NMD Guide to Miniature Painting
Miniature painting can seem a bit intimidating - but don’t worry, we’ve got a guide that can help you get started in no time. This guide was originally used as part of our Colour Riot workshop.
Anti-Racism Resources for Tabletop Games
If you’d like to learn more about how racism can impact tabletop gaming, or how to make your games more welcoming and inclusive, check out our list of Anti-Racism Resources.
Open Letter to Games Workshop
In the Summer of 2020, we wrote an open letter to Games Workshop raising concerns about the rise of racism and sexism in the community. While Games Workshop has not responded to our letter, we still stand by our concerns and hope Games Workshop will take decisive action.