Trustee Terms and Conditions
About No More Damsels
No Mode Damsels is a charity for the promotion of equality by eleminating discrimination on the grounds of sex and gender across the wargaming and role-play gaming community. It seeks to do this through several means, including:
Educating people,
Providing training opportunities and encouragement for women, transgender and non-binary gamers, and
Offering mentoring / support for women, transgender and non-binary gamers.
No More Damsels is constituted as an unincorporated association. This means that members hold the trustees of the charity to account democratically each year at an annual general meeting (AGM) of the charity. Additionally, every member is able to stand for election as one of the trustees of the charity at the AGM.
Anyone who is a member of No More Damsels can apply to be a Trustee. At the present there are three Trustee possitions:
Trustees my work towards the charity’s aims. In the charity’s consititution these are termed the “charitable objects”. These are:
“[No More Damsels’ aims] are to promote equality and diversity by the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sex, gender reassignment, or gender identity. It will do this by:
Promoting women, transgender, and non-binary players and advocating for women and non-binary people in leadership positions in clubs.
Educating and raising awareness within role play game and wargaming clubs and communities to ensure equality of people regardless of sex or gender identity.
Promoting activities to advance the equality of people of different sexes and genders.
Conducting or commissioning research on sex and gender balances within role play games clubs and wargaming clubs and publishing results.
Cultivating a sentiment in favour of equality regardless of a person’s gender.”
In addition to agreeing to abide by the charitable aims of No More Damsels, anyone running for Trustee must meet the UK Charitable Commision’s definition of a “fit and proper person.” This means that:
You have not engaged in fraud in the past.
You have not been involved in a tax avoidance scheme in the past.
You are not an undischarged bankrupt.
You have not been removed from a charity committee in the past.
You have not been disqualified from serving as a company director.
Please read the Charity Commision’s guide on Fit and Proper Person for a full list of what disqualifies someone from being a charity trustee.
Trustee Liability
No More Damsels is an unincorporated association. The benefit is that we can run a charitable organisation on a very small budget and remain community focused. The downside is that the Trustees are individually liable for the organisations finances. If you become a Trustee, you will become liable for current and past NMD activity. This includes any debts that No More Damsels may acrue. If No More Damsels is involved in any legal proceedings, it wil be against the Trustees as individuals.
Term of Service
Trustees are elected every year by members at the Annual General Meeting. At the AGM, the current trustees step down from their possition and an election is held. A trustee can re-apply and be re-ellected to their previous possition if they wish.
Loosing your possition
A trustee shall cease to hold office if they:
are disqualified from acting as a trustee by virtue of sections 178 and 179 of the Charities Act 2011 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that provision);
ceases to be a member of No More Damsels;
in the written opinion, given to the charity, of a registered medical practitioner treating that person, has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as a trustee and may remain so for more than three months;
resigns as a trustee by notice to the charity (but only if at least two trustees will remain in office when the notice of resignation is to take effect); or
is absent without the permission of the trustees from all their meetings held within a period of six consecutive months and the trustees resolve that their office be vacated.