Have you ever looked around an RPG night and thought “Gosh, there’s not a lot of people like me in here”? Because we have, and that’s why we’ve created No More Damsels. NMD is a charity which wants to improve the gender balance of the London RPG and Wargaming scene.
Important note on NMD
As of April 2023, NMD has ceased opperating. You can read a full statement on our closure.
We’re greatful for all of our members, volunteers and supporters for making NMD happen! While we are no longer opperating, our online resources are still available for free.
What does NMD do?
We provide events to encourage a greater gender diversity of people in roleplaying, DMing and wargaming, as well as safeguarding guidelines and codes of conduct for clubs and conventions. Never played an RPG or painted a minature, and are worried about where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got resources on that too.
Who are NMD?
Originally founded by Sarah Pipkin and Naomi Clarke, we now boast members from all walks of RPG and wargaming life. Players old and new, DMs and GMs, podcasters and industry professionals.
Roll dice and play nice huh?